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To donate to the Holy Trinity Seminary conference of 2019, please click the following link:


On the Paypal page, use the drop-down box to select the "2019 Holy Trinity Conference" option. 

PayPal will then prompt you either login to your PayPal account, or if you do not already have one, then to simply enter your credit card information to complete the payment.

Be sure to write an attached note or check the box allowing PayPal to share your billing information if this is not an anonymous donation.

Donations towards the conference are being collected and handled by Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Russian Orthodox Mission Church, although you will find that the PayPal donation page is set up under the name Holy Protection Orthodox Church. This is because our parish recently changed its name, although our PayPal link has not yet been updated to reflect our new name. This will not affect your donation in any way.

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