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Garden of the Theotokos

"He planted us on this earth not for our own sakes, but for His glory; we can only glorify Him by the spiritual fruits that grow in our souls." - St. John Chrysostom


Under the patronage and asking the intercession of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God, we seek to transform the six acres of our mission land in rural Union Township into a garden dedicated to the Theotokos. With a Temple for worship of her Son, our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ, as the focus, we also are working to build an Orthodox Christian community of faith through gardening, including berry patches and flower and vegetable beds, a pumpkin patch, and perhaps in future beehives, orchard areas, and a chicken coop/yard. Glory to God! To help us in this project of faith and community across generations, in the beauty of God's creation, please contact our Warden Luke, Deacon Paul, or the mission's general email.

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