NC Mission Shed
The "OrthoShed"
Andre's Workshop

"OrthoShed" Ideas (Note: this is just for brainstorming as a possible option in some form and this page is not "public")
--Transitional phase between no construction and building of Belle Vernon Church design
--Phase 1.0 would involve purchase of rectory trailer, rental of portapotty for extra capacity, and construction of a mini-barn or large shed-like wooden structure for temporary worship space (which could be re-used in future for other parish purposes such as office, Sunday School, bookstore, etc.). [Phase 1.5 would be septic and well and foundation toward actual BV temple.]
--Inspiration: "OrthoShed" at ROCOR mission founded in 2019 in Winston-Salem NC area, where a similar approach was supported by Vladyka Hilarion.
--Their space is only 10x28 feet with a deck, using space heaters and an air-conditioning unit. We would need a larger space but also could include a deck. We would need insulation and some kind of paired-door entry for cold weather. Deck could have awning and doors could be designed to open up to deck for people there in good weather. Cost of their shed and deck and interior with ac and heater: Less than $10,000. Estimated cost for us, including trailer: $30,000
--Frame would be erected by contractor. Interior could be finished by members and perhaps by hiring someone.
--Regulatory question: If rectory trailer qualifies as a residence, could this as in the NC mission qualify as residential with an outbuilding and thus not involve stricter building regulations? Can we avoid septic and well and parking lot for this phase?
--Trailer would include interior bathroom and kitchenette. Coffee hour would need to be held in the "Orthoshed" with curtain across the iconstasis. Portapotty rental would handle basic bathroom usage for services although kids and those with special needs could use trailer bathroom (and in very cold weather). [There are low- to higher-cost trailers for sale online etc., such as]
--Portapotty rental would cost approximately $80 a month (based on nationwide average costs) for a simple model, or $150 for a "deluxe" flushable model. The same company who services portapotties may be able to service the waste holding tank in the trailer.
--Advantages: Gets us moving forward. Not too comfortable so we'd still keep on target. Could enable us to have events such as marriages and baptisms and memorial services (next to cemetery too) over the next few years, and perhaps Holy Week/Pascha, without deferring all those completely for years. Would also get us out of downtown Lewisburg and uncertain climate there about traditional Christianity into a more sheltered area. May also hasten other uses of property by the mission, such as beekeeping/gardening, through more activity there, along with perhaps more opportunity for volunteer work days on the land in terms of cemetery maintenance etc., given greater use of the site.
--Disadvantages: "Rustic discomfort" :-). Potential county regulatory issues. We'd still need to raise money for this. Might still need to keep at least a relationship with the Club for renting it for additional space and comfort at some events, and weather issues. Might still be too small for special events/feasts.
More photos here:
This is not in place of building an actual temple but a potential "first phase." For the model for a temple, see