Orthodox Christian Spirituality Reading Group
Adult Bible Study for Orthodox Christians and Inquirers - the Longest Psalm: Learn about the role of the Psalms in Christian life in our monthly reading group
Currently we are meeting regularly virtually--and you are welcome to join us! Please email Subdeacon Paul at siewers7518@gmail.com for more details
Our current study focuses on Psalm 118/119, the longest Psalm in the Bible. We will be using the book linked below if you would like to get a copy, but it is not essential to have a copy, just to have access to a copy of the Psalm from the Bible (118 in the Septuagint and Orthodox Study Bible, 119 in the King James Version and most English Bibles). No homework is required; although feel free to contact us to see which octave we are on if you'd like to read ahead. Psalm 118/119 according to tradition was considered a course of instruction on the Law of God by the Prophet David for his son Solomon, and has special meaning in light of the Incarnation of Christ. All are welcome! The study is lead by Fr. Subdeacon Paul - see page [Clergy]. Also, optional background on the Psalm is here: https://fatherjohn.blogspot.com/2020/02/sermons-on-psalm-118119.html